

Directed Process Improvement Package

 – 2004 List Price $2,500.00

Does it take two or three days to turn the weekly progress reports from your managers into a useful overview of the month’s activities?  Could you use a way to test job applicants on a standardized test on the internet to save the cost of flying them to a monitored testing facility?  If you have a very specific process* that is costing your company a bundle to administer, this is the solution for you.  This package includes Werecat’s balanced approach to process improvement, featuring:


*  Fast service (30 day turnaround) – call us in February and start counting your savings in March!

*  7 hours of direct consultation

*  8 hours of training

*  3 approval checkpoints

*  Day 3 –           Management and administrative staff approve detailed improvement concept

*  Week 2 –       Management and administrative staff preview actual tools, forms, systems and reports

*  Week 2 –       Management and administrative staff see overview of new process, as well as training and reference materials

*  Days 30-60 discount on additional on-site training/consultation services

*This package is reserved for processes administered in one location by a maximum of 3 staff members.


See Detailed Price List for the Directed Process Improvement Package




Comprehensive Process Improvement Package

– 2004 List Price $4,500.00

Need us to take a look at the functionality of entire department or a particular administrative position?  Or do you need an administrative solution that can be used in offices in multiple locations?  If you want a new approach to some of your old, expensive ways of getting the job done, this is the answer you’ve been looking for.  This package includes Werecat’s balanced approach to process improvement, featuring:


*  Fast service (30 day turnaround) – call us in February and start counting your savings in March!

*  12 hours of direct consultation

*  8 hours of training

*  3 approval checkpoints

*  Day 3 –           Management and administrative staff approve detailed improvement concept(s)

*  Week 2 –       Management and administrative staff preview actual tools, forms, systems and reports

*  Week 3 –       Management and administrative staff see overview of new process(es), as well as training and reference materials

*  Days 30-60 discount on additional on-site training/consultation services


See Detailed Price List for the Comprehensive Process Improvement Package

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Personal Tutoring Package

– 2004 List Price $2,000.00


You’ve taken many classes to learn new skills on the computer, and you are able to create some pretty incredible documents and presentations.  But there are some tasks that take more time to complete than they should.  Or some tools that you heard about at class that you know would help your productivity, but you aren’t confident in using them, so you just keep doing it the same old way?


Let Werecat help!  In just one month, not only will you learn new skills, you will be using them on a daily basis.  Our tutoring package includes working with you on your real-world tasks to improve your ability to complete them using the knowledge you gain.  This package features:


*  1 full day of personal consultation and needs assessment before you agree to the specifics of your individual tutorial program

*        Student approves individualized tutorial program before any materials are developed

*  Fast service (30 day normal scheduling window**)

*  Convenience - schedule is agreed to and set for entire tutoring program at the beginning, including:

*        8 hours of one-on-one, hands-on training with personal tutor at your desk

*  Before and after testing to quantify efficacy of tutoring

*  Days 30-60 discount on additional on-site training/consultation services


** Scheduling can be accelerated and completed within 2 or 3 weeks upon request.


See Detailed Price List for the Personal Tutoring Package

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Executive Tutoring Package

– 2004 List Price $4,500.00


So, you’re looking to improve your overall understanding of computers or become a master using a particular software program.  Werecat will come to your home or office and provide one-on-one training just for you!  This tutoring package includes working with you on your real-world tasks to improve your ability to complete them using your improved computer knowledge, and features:


*  1 full day of personal consultation and needs assessment before you agree to the specifics of your individual tutorial program

*        Student approves individualized tutorial program before any materials are developed

*  Fast service (90 day normal scheduling window**)

*  Convenience - schedule is agreed to and set for entire tutoring program at the beginning, including:

*        3 ½ full days of one-on-one, hands-on training with personal tutor at your home or office

*  Before and after testing to quantify efficacy of tutoring

*  Days 30-60 discount on additional on-site training/consultation services


*** Scheduling can be accelerated and completed within fewer weeks upon request.


See Detailed Price List for the Executive Tutoring Package

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