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Tools Quiz


Tools Quiz
CEM Self Evaluation


Werecat Tools Quiz
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Please answer all of the questions before submitting your answers and viewing the Answers page.  Just tab from field to field. 



Windows Features

  1. What is this called? 

Background Ideas

  1. What kind of formatting causes this non-printing character to appear?

Tools You Can Use in MS Word

What can you do in:

  1. Options?
  1. Customize?
  1. Organizer?
  1. Where is each located?
  1. a.



Same as Previous

  1. Where is it ("Same as Previous") found?
  1. What is its normal setting?
  1. What must a document include before it is active (please name all 3 possibilities)?
  1. a.



Allow Row to Break Across Pages

  1. What is the normal setting (for the "Allow Row to Break Across Pages" feature)?
  1. Where is it found?

Field Codes

  1. What is it (a "field")?
  1. How do you update fields (please list both ways)?
  1. a.


  1. List three examples of field codes.
  1. a.



Vertical Alignment

  1. What is its (Vertical Alignment) normal setting?
  1. Where is it found?

Large Document Formatting

  1. What is the difference between a [next page] section break and a page break?

Handling Graphics

  1. What is the difference between a selected text box border that looks like this or this? 

Click the Submit button to save your answers.  You will be given the opportunity to review and print your responses before comparing them to Werecat's Answers.


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Last modified: January 25, 2005