Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a highly skilled individual handle all the details as you work on your annual meeting, that important client dinner, or that upcoming conference? But who knows what you'll get when you call a local temporary agency? Introducing Werecat's On-Line Support Service. We will provide you with excellent support, provided by professionals backed up by Werecat's methods and philosophies. Sound scary? How can someone support your project without being in your office? Well, it's not really that unusual. Today's busy executive is often traveling or meeting with clients, leaving the coordination and planning of events almost entirely up to skilled executive assistant staff members. Now you can have that kind of high powered support on-line! Communication and organization is the key to managing important projects, and Werecat uses databases, telephony, e-mail, fax and chat services to maintain the details and keep you abreast of of all the important developments. We view every opportunity to work with you as a chance to "show you better than we can tell you." Our on-line support professionals will integrate with your current staff, providing seamless coordination and access to the details and arrangements as they are made. We encourage you to keep an eye on how our professionals work; we're certain you'll be impressed, and that you'll come back for more.
Key Benefits
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