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Project Assistance

Assisted Transition


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Project Assistance



Sometimes you just need a skilled individual to come and work in your office, supporting you.  We will provide you with excellent support, provided by professionals backed up by Werecat's methods and philosophies.

We view every opportunity to work with you as a chance to "show you better than we can tell you."  So our professionals are trained to identify possible areas of improvement while they fulfill your current job needs.  We encourage you to keep an eye on how our professionals work; we're certain you'll be impressed, and want to know more.  And we'll be ready, with a detailed report of observations, possible process improvement ideas and custom developed system tools.

Just to get you thinking, we have developed a detailed description of how Werecat's Project Assistance might work to your advantage, at a very crucial moment.  We call it Assisted Transition.


Information Request Form

Select the item(s) that apply, and then let us know how to contact you.

    I would like to know more about Werecat's Project Assistance.  Please contact me.
    I would like to schedule an appointment to discuss using Werecat's Project Assistance
         for an upcoming project.

First Name
Last Name

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Copyright © 2002 Werecat System Consultants
Last modified: January 25, 2005