"Computers are a constant in any business equation today."Computers are everywhere in American business environments. Any individual who owns a personal computer can claim to be a "home business owner," regardless of their employability. A desk without a monitor on it in an office in downtown [Chicago] is probably not being used. But very little of the technology available in everyday software packages is being utilized in day-to-day business administration. Comprehensive Evaluation MatrixThe following charts represent the evaluation scores (based on Werecat's newly developed Comprehensive Evaluation Matrix (“CEM”)) for the companies listed. Some companies have duplicate entries for different departments within that company. The baseline on each chart is the minimum score equal to an AVERAGE rating. Scores below the baseline on any individual chart represents a POOR rating for that area. The top of the range on each chart is representative of the highest possible (EXCELLENT) rating. Note: Most of the scores on the attached charts fall into the POOR to AVERAGE range. Werecat’s CEM was designed to provide a tool for analysis and comparison regarding the Equipment, Systems, Processes and Environment that affect the administration of a company. The Evaluation Matrix can be used to help determine the areas most in need of improvement as part of an initial consultation, and to provide a means for reviewing the efficacy of process improvements, documentation and systems development instituted.
Currently, all evaluations were done by Werecat staff; however, the CEM was designed to allow for customers to conduct self-evaluations, which would allow for an even more objective analysis. Please click here if you would like to use Werecat's CEM to perform a self-evaluation. After a short consultation to ensure ratings parity, your results will be included in future updates. Submit Information Request Form |
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