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Process Analysis


Evaluation Matrix
Process Analysis
Skills Development


Your administrative processes represent an untapped fountain of productivity enhancement.

There is only one way to convert the $$$ you've invested in computer hardware and software into $$$ saved by administrative productivity enhancements. You have to use a new model for administration system tools development. Your administrative processes need to be evaluated and computer tools developed by software savvy administrators. Staff development and training specific to the new tools will ensure that staff is equipped to develop the tools needed for tomorrow's needs.

Werecat System Consultants has the experience and knowledge to develop the system tools your business needs to maximize your administration's productivity.  Utilizing a comprehensive program of data and process analysis, mapping and flow charting, directed discussion and documentation, we will be able to tell you how you work.  

The Power of Analysis

Werecat begins gathering and maintaining information about how you work from the very first consultation.  Werecat staff will investigate and document your current processes, and gather the forms and reports necessary to administer your operations.And by studying the data and asking the right questions we will obtain years of knowledge in a very short period of time.  And knowing how you work now is the first step to identifying areas of improvement.  It's the way that we help you identify what needs to be done.  

Click here to view Part One of a brief PowerPoint show presented to Blackwell Consulting regarding a potential project for their State Farm office located in Springfield, Illinois.

Click here to view Part Two of a brief PowerPoint show presented to Blackwell Consulting regarding a potential project for their State Farm office located in Springfield, Illinois.

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Copyright © 2002 Werecat System Consultants
Last modified: January 25, 2005