Your administrators should use their computer to compute, everyday.After all, that is what it is. A "compute-r." It is not a fancy typewriter that your assistant uses make documents look pretty. It is a machine that is capable of performing routine functions so quickly that we are able to go to the moon and create the other technological marvels like the Global Positioning Satellite system. What would every day compute-ing look like? Well, to begin to with, all business contact information would be maintained in databases. "Styles" and "Templates" would be used daily, with updates being rolled out electronically by your [IS] department. All business forms would be prepared on-line. Macros, customized toolbars and other automation tools would be developed regularly. Skills DevelopmentUtilizing a comprehensive program of Skills Evaluation, Training and Tools development, Werecat will "raise the bar" on your administrative productivity by providing an effective skills development method.Submit Information Request Form |
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